Maximise your efficiency gains through consistent outsourcing.
Profidata Managed Solutions is taking responsibility for technical and business functions along your process chain.
The range of services offered by Profidata Managed Services includes the operation of the IT infrastructure in the XENTIS cloud, application management and professional services along your entire investment value chain. Required services can be aligned individually according to your business needs and strategy.
Profidata offers you an optimal structure of your process landscape based on the comprehensive operational know-how, that has been continuously built up since 2014 and of many years of experience in consulting and implementation projects.
Experience / Know-How
30 years of customer application and development expertise
Highly qualified specialists with many years of experience in operating XENTIS
Highly developed security and patch management
Secure data storage in the CH or EU region
ISO and ISAE certifications
Complies with the various financial regulations in the outsourcing sector
Dynamic, tailor-made adaptation to your business needs
Individual Service Level Agreements
Easing the burden on your IT experts
Cost-efficient provision of additional services
One contact person
(One-stop shop)
Focus on your core business
Frees ressources for your innovation projects
Xcloud | SaaS

Service Times SLA
Attractive Starter Package/Expansion Options | Entry into the Xcloud with a comprehensive basic module that includes accounting, NAV calculation, investment compliance, standard reports, data supply as well as IT infrastructure and service. Functional modules such as XENTIS Front Office, Order Management and Performance Measurement may be added to your base setup. All functions can be evaluated by customer references on request. |
Initial Investments/Amortisation | High initial investment costs are eliminated due to low entry and usage fees. A short onboarding phase and an early start of operation guarantees a quick amortisation period while providing business value from the very beginning. |
Implementation/ Parameterisation | By using a preconfigured (best practice) system, lengthy implementation projects are avoided. |
Security | The software solution is installed in a highly secure data center designed according to the latest standards of information security. |
Support | Profidata provides staff with comprehensive business and IT know how – There are no costs for training or hiring your own staff. |
Service Level/Agreements | Electronic issue tracking, competent hotline service with short reaction times, standardised release changes, maintenance of interfaces, jobs, data supply etc.

XENTIS Run Service
XENTIS Change Service
Interface Service Run
Interface Service Change

Shadow Fund Accounting/IBOR
XICS – XENTIS Investment Compliance as a Service
Securities Service WM/Bloomberg/SIX
Analysis Service (ad-hoc reports, data analysis)
Master Data Service
Price/Market Data Service
Reporting Service
Financial service providers are increasingly faced with changes to legal, technical and general economic conditions. Demand for software capable of meeting these market requirements is therefore high. e-AMIS & Services adds value through an outsourcing offering tailored to the specific requirements and profile of each client.
Profidata has a more than 30 years’ history of successful projects and is in a position to provide the resources for the full project life cycle, from solution design, to project management, requirements and gap analysis, configuration, testing and training through post go-live support.
Profidata’s implementation method is based on the classic phase model ‘System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)’, whereby elements of the agile project management may also be applied during the phases or tasks. Also worth mentioning is the system configuration which facilitates iterations in an efficient and resource-friendly manner.
Each project starts with a best practice parameterisation tailored to the business segment of Profidata’s customer. The project core team is given an initial introduction to XENTIS or e-AMIS followed by intensive product training. This ensures that from the very beginning users are familiar with the specific parameterisation and are also capable to adjust it by themselves. This guarantees true ownership of the system installation. The specific client’s business processes can be prototyped and reviewed directly within the system.
The training of the project core team is followed by the training of the users and the technical operations team. This usually precedes or latest starts at the beginning of the test phase and strictly follows the ‘train-the-trainer’ concept.
Taking the manifold configuration and application options of XENTIS and e-AMIS into account, trainings are always tailored to the individual client’s business requirements and passed on the client’s own database.
Subject trainings include a general introduction focused on handling, functional overview and reporting.
- Hotline Service
- Web-enabled issue tracking system
- Error processing protocol
- At least one software update per year, releases comprise general functional improvements and also new features related to the licensed modules
- Continually updated user documentation – ready for download
- Patches and hotfixes for time-sensitive functional improvements and error corrections
- Regression testing based upon client’s own (anonymised) data base prior to delivery of software releases or patches
- Processing release upgrades, patches and hotfixes
- Job monitoring and exception handling
- Data management
- Performance monitoring and optimisation
- Health check and reporting
- Backup
- Failover switch and test
- User administration